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Tag: Internet

Points to Note When Posting Patient Reviews and Before-and-After Comparison Images on Cosmetic Surgery Review Sites

Points to Note When Posting Patient Reviews and Before-and-After Comparison Images on Cosmetic S.

"What kind of treatment do I need to achieve my ideal face?" "I want to know about the experiences of those who have undergone procedures." "I want...


Can Articles Be Removed from Websites Publishing Arrest Information? No Mercy for Criminals?

Can Articles Be Removed from Websites Publishing Arrest Information? No Mercy for Criminals?

There are websites on the internet that seem to exist for the sole purpose of copying arrest reports from newspapers and other sources and keeping ...


Explaining Twitter's Terms of Service that YouTubers Should Be Aware Of

Explaining Twitter's Terms of Service that YouTubers Should Be Aware Of

Many YouTubers use social media platforms like Twitter to increase their view counts and channel subscriptions. By tweeting links to their YouTube ...


What are the Key Points of YouTube's Terms of Service? A Lawyer Explains What to Watch Out for When Posting Entertainment Videos

What are the Key Points of YouTube's Terms of Service? A Lawyer Explains What to Watch Out for W.

When filming and publishing YouTube videos, it's important to not only comply with the law, but also to pay attention to YouTube's terms of service...


Is 'Impersonation' on Twitter Illegal? A Crime? What Kind of Offense Does It Constitute?

Is 'Impersonation' on Twitter Illegal? A Crime? What Kind of Offense Does It Constitute?

Twitter, a tool that allows people to casually tweet about their interests, is widely used by many. Despite its global popularity, it's a fact that...


What Should You Be Careful About When Posting 'Monomousu-kei' Videos? A Lawyer Explains Key Points of YouTube's Terms of Service

What Should You Be Careful About When Posting 'Monomousu-kei' Videos? A Lawyer Explains Key Poin.

On YouTube, there is a growing popularity for "opinionated YouTubers" who express their views in a radical manner. When posting such opinionated vi...


What is Defamation (Insult Crime)? Explanation with Examples from Weekly Magazine Reports

What is Defamation (Insult Crime)? Explanation with Examples from Weekly Magazine Reports

Honor, or the subjective evaluation one has of their own personal worth, is a benefit that should be protected by law. Expressions that are extreme...


What are the Cases Where Online Defamation Falls Under the Japanese 'Credit Damage Crime' and 'Business Obstruction Crime'?

What are the Cases Where Online Defamation Falls Under the Japanese 'Credit Damage Crime' and 'B.

In order to remove web pages or bulletin board posts that constitute defamation on the Internet, or to identify the poster, it is necessary to clai...


Addressing Cyberbullying and Similar Issues: Court Cases on Reputational Damage Control When Minors are the Victims

Addressing Cyberbullying and Similar Issues: Court Cases on Reputational Damage Control When Min.

In the realm of online defamation, there has been an increasing number of cases where minors become victims, such as instances where 'bullying' in ...


When Does Writing in Initials or Censored Words Become an Infringement of Rights?

When Does Writing in Initials or Censored Words Become an Infringement of Rights?

When you want to claim that your rights to honor or privacy have been violated, the first issue to consider is whether the violation was truly targ...


Can We Identify the Person Who Wrote Negative Reviews on Career Connection (Japanese Career Connection)?

Can We Identify the Person Who Wrote Negative Reviews on Career Connection (Japanese Career Conn.

Cariconne is a job information site that features company reviews and word-of-mouth information. While it's a very useful site for getting a real s...


How to Remove Negative Reviews on Career Connection (Japanese 'KyariKone')

How to Remove Negative Reviews on Career Connection (Japanese 'KyariKone')

Cariconne is an information site that is useful for job changes and job hunting. You can search by company name and check the reputation and review...


Is Live Streaming Drones on YouTube Illegal? The Laws You Should Know

Is Live Streaming Drones on YouTube Illegal? The Laws You Should Know

Generally, video filming is done with video cameras, but recently, there has been an increase in filming using drones.With drone filming, it is pos...


How to Identify Malicious Commenters on 'PINK Channel

How to Identify Malicious Commenters on 'PINK Channel

Are you familiar with a bulletin board called PINK Channel? It is an anonymous bulletin board that mainly deals with adult-oriented themes such as ...


How to Remove Unfair Ratings from Amazon Customer Reviews

How to Remove Unfair Ratings from Amazon Customer Reviews

On Amazon, there is a feature called customer reviews, where you can post and view impressions of a product based on actual usage. Some people use ...


How to Delete Malicious Comments on Instagram

How to Delete Malicious Comments on Instagram

In recent years, with the popularity of Instagram, the term "Insta-bae" has been coined to describe the act of taking eye-catching photos to garner...


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