MONOLITH LAW OFFICE+81-3-6262-3248Weekdays 10:00-18:00 JST


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VTuber Subscriber Count Rankings

VTuber Subscriber Count Rankings

VTubers are two-dimensional personalitys that distribute videos as YouTubers. Once you learn about VTubers, you might start wondering which VTubers...


How to Create Thumbnails for VTubers

How to Create Thumbnails for VTubers

For VTubers, creating thumbnails that users are compelled to click on is extremely important. However, many may not know what kind of thumbnails t...


Original Song Rankings of VTubers

Original Song Rankings of VTubers

In the realm of VTuber activities, many individuals post so-called "singing videos" where they cover songs. However, there are also many who create...


The Significance and Practice of Copyright in VTuber Activities

The Significance and Practice of Copyright in VTuber Activities

Copyright for VTubersCopyright for VTubers refers to the rights that protect illustrations, models, and videos related to VTubers. By receiving pro...


What are the strengths of VTubers as seen from total views?

What are the strengths of VTubers as seen from total views?

In Japan, it is common for VTubers to be active on YouTube. However, YouTube offers various content formats such as videos, live streams, and short...


What is a VTuber Local Live Event?

What is a VTuber Local Live Event?

What is a VTuber On-Site Live Event?When you hear "VTuber," many people might think of live streaming on YouTube or other online platforms. However...


What are the main activity styles of VTubers?

What are the main activity styles of VTubers?

Recently, VTubers have been engaging in a wide range of activities. Some people might wonder, "I know VTubers are popular, but what exactly do they...


The Relationship Between VTuber Music Activities and Streaming Popularity

The Relationship Between VTuber Music Activities and Streaming Popularity

VTubers are expanding their platforms beyond YouTube to virtual social networks like VRChat and cluster, increasingly delivering their music. Recen...


The Reality of VTuber Earnings (Income)

The Reality of VTuber Earnings (Income)

VTubers are on the verge of being established as a recognized profession in the near future.While VTubers captivate many viewers, you might be curi...


Strategies and Tips for Passing VTuber Auditions

Strategies and Tips for Passing VTuber Auditions

In recent years, the prominence of VTubers in Japan has been remarkable. Alongside this trend, the number of VTuber agencies has been steadily incr...


New Marketing Strategy Utilizing VTubers

New Marketing Strategy Utilizing VTubers

A VTuber is a content creator who uses avatars or 3D personalitys to engage in streaming activities. They primarily interact with viewers through p...


Key Points for Family Governance in Spousal Contracts and Partnership Agreements Every Executive Should Know

Key Points for Family Governance in Spousal Contracts and Partnership Agreements Every Executive.

To ensure smooth progression in business succession and inheritance issues, prior preparation is essential. Particularly as the wealth of business ...

General Corporate

What is Digital Wage Payment (Digital Salary)? Explaining Implementation Examples and Procedures

What is Digital Wage Payment (Digital Salary)? Explaining Implementation Examples and Procedures

As the Japanese government aims to achieve a 40% cashless payment ratio by Reiwa 7 (2025), the cashless payment ratio in Reiwa 5 (2023) reached a r...

General Corporate

Growing Focus on Family Governance for Executives: Explaining the Effectiveness in Business by Category

Growing Focus on Family Governance for Executives: Explaining the Effectiveness in Business by C.

It is not uncommon to hear reports of family disputes within well-known family-run businesses. When such reports surface, many may have come across...

General Corporate

What Happens if You Are Sued for a Nursing Care Accident? An In-Depth Explanation of Facility Liability and Countermeasures

What Happens if You Are Sued for a Nursing Care Accident? An In-Depth Explanation of Facility Li.

Accidents in nursing care facilities can occur despite the utmost caution. This is because the users of these facilities are often elderly or physi...

General Corporate

Comprehensive Explanation of the Duty of Care and Legal Liability in Nursing Care Accidents

Comprehensive Explanation of the Duty of Care and Legal Liability in Nursing Care Accidents

Accidents occurring in the caregiving sector not only cause significant harm to the users but also to the operators. In recent years, there has bee...

General Corporate

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