What is a Message Board Site Full of Insults? Explaining How to Delete Posts and the Effects of Ignoring Them

Internet bulletin board sites are effectively utilized as platforms for sharing information and facilitating discussions. However, there are instances where aggressive and negative comments, such as insults and defamation, are posted. These derogatory remarks can target not only individuals but also organizations, making the management of reputation and criticism a significant challenge.
This article will introduce bulletin board sites that are often the subject of such insults, highlighting their respective personalityistics. It will also explain the methods for removing such posts and the appropriate responses when faced with derogatory comments.
Top 4 Bulletin Board Sites Prone to Malicious Posts

There are numerous bulletin board sites on the internet, but here are four that are particularly notorious for malicious postings.
5channel[ja] is a bulletin board site that emerged from the split of the anonymous bulletin board ‘2channel’, which was established by Hiroyuki Nishimura. With the ability to post anonymously across a wide range of genres, you can find various types of posts, including some that are quite extreme. Including the period when it was known as 2channel, it has a long history of operation and, being founded by Hiroyuki, it has high visibility. This attracts a large number of people who want to post, resulting in a high volume of malicious comments.
Bakusai[ja] is a local community bulletin board site personalityized by threads divided by region. Because it is divided by region, it often features more localized and niche information than 5channel, which can lead to targeted and malicious comments. The division by local areas also means that there are numerous posts that include personal information and are of a malicious nature.
Insults, Complaints & Stress Relief Bulletin Board
Insults, Complaints & Stress Relief Bulletin Board[ja] is, as the name suggests, a bulletin board intended for venting through posting insults and complaints. It is notorious for extremely aggressive content, and some posts even include photos and personal information. The straightforward nature of the site’s name tends to lower the barrier for people to post insults and complaints.
New School Insults Bulletin Board
New School Insults Bulletin Board[ja] is, as the name implies, a bulletin board site for posting school-related insults. It was established relatively recently in May 2014 (Heisei 26) and is a platform for elementary to junior high school students to share behind-the-scenes stories about their schools. Since the insults are within the school community, it’s not uncommon to find posts between individuals who are closely acquainted. As schools are a significant part of these students’ daily lives, there is a tendency for a never-ending supply of material for insults, leading to frequent postings.
The Difference Between Defamation and Insults

Aggressive and negative comments posted on bulletin board sites are often referred to as “defamation” or “insults.” Let’s clarify the definitions and differences between these terms.
Whether the Content is Based on Fact
Defamation is a term that combines “slander” and “libel.” In terms of meaning, “slander” refers to the act of speaking ill of someone, while “libel” means to hurt someone by stating unfounded content. Therefore, the term “defamation” refers to not only speaking ill of someone but also to the act of harming someone with content that lacks any basis.
Possibility of Criminal Punishment Even if Based on Fact
Just because something stated or posted is based on fact does not mean it is acceptable. Depending on the content of the post, one may be subject to criminal punishment under the Japanese Criminal Code’s defamation law (Article 230) or insult law (Article 231).
The crime of defamation is established when someone publicly discloses facts and damages a person’s reputation. Posting specific facts on a bulletin board site that can be viewed by an unspecified number of people, thereby damaging someone’s reputation or threatening their social status, carries the risk of being subject to defamation law.
If the posted content is factual but still defamatory, the crime of defamation can be established. Therefore, the risk of criminal punishment remains the same whether the content is a lie or an insult based on fact.
Furthermore, the crime of insult does not require the disclosure of facts; it is established when someone publicly insults another person. Using expressions that belittle or demean a person in a public space, such as a bulletin board site, can lead to criminal punishment under the insult law.
Related article: What are the Conditions for Suing for Defamation? Explaining the Requirements and the Range of Compensation for Emotional Distress[ja]
The Impact of Ignoring Defamatory Posts on Bulletin Board Sites

Being the target of insults on bulletin board sites is a possibility for anyone in the internet society. It’s not uncommon for not only individuals but also communities and organizations such as companies to be the subject of derogatory posts. This section will explain the disadvantages and risks that can arise from neglecting to address such insults when they occur.
Corporate Image Deterioration
If a company ignores derogatory posts about it on bulletin board sites, it can lead to a decline in the company’s image among those who see the posts. Furthermore, if the content of the insults spreads beyond the bulletin board site, the damage to the company’s reputation can become even more significant.
Decrease in Employee Motivation
The impact of insults extends beyond corporate image to the motivation of employees. The feeling of ‘working in a place that is spoken ill of by the public’ can decrease motivation and productivity. This may even lead to increased employee turnover, resulting in the loss of valuable human resources.
By leaving insults unaddressed, allowing them to be continuously exposed to an unspecified large audience on a public bulletin board site, the corporate image can progressively worsen, making it difficult to recruit new talent. Along with the decrease in employee motivation, the risk of challenges in securing human resources arises.
Impact on Business Performance
Failure to address negative posts and insults can lead to a decline in consumer willingness to purchase products, resulting in decreased sales and, ultimately, a deterioration in business performance. In addition to internal issues such as decreased employee motivation and difficulties in securing talent, there is also the risk of direct negative impacts on the business’s financial health.
Methods for Removing Defamatory Posts on Bulletin Board Websites

When defamatory or slanderous comments are posted on bulletin board websites, they can have a significant negative impact, necessitating their prompt removal. We will explain whom to request for removal and how to go about it.
Identify the Poster and Request Removal
If you decide to request the removal directly from the person who made the post, it is crucial to communicate logically, without becoming emotional, that the content of the post constitutes defamation.
However, on bulletin board websites that allow anonymous posting, identifying the poster requires a request for disclosure of sender information. There is a possibility that the poster may not comply with the removal request or that the removal may take time, potentially exacerbating the damage. Therefore, consider legal measures in addition to requesting removal from the poster.
Request Removal from the Site Administrator
Instead of the poster, you can also request the removal of the content from the bulletin board site’s administrator. Since sites typically have terms of service that prohibit defamatory postings, if the post violates these terms, there is a chance that the administrator will comply with your removal request.
The common method for requesting removal is through a contact form, but sometimes direct email requests are also made. Make sure to review the site’s terms of service carefully before submitting your removal request.
Hire a Lawyer to Obtain a Court-Ordered Removal
Even if the content of the post constitutes defamation, the site administrator may not always comply with a removal request. However, if a lawyer is hired and a court issues a removal order, the site administrator must comply. In addition to requesting removal, you can also consult about whether the post constitutes defamation or insult.
By hiring a lawyer, you may not only request the removal of the post but also file a criminal complaint with the police or identify the poster and claim damages through a civil lawsuit. Since the storage period for logs that can serve as evidence is short, it is advisable to consult a lawyer as soon as possible.
Summary: Consult a Lawyer for Defamatory Posts on Bulletin Boards

We have explained the prevalence of defamatory posts on bulletin board sites, the negative impact of ignoring such posts, and the methods for removing them. Defamatory posts on bulletin board sites can have numerous adverse effects on a company, and prompt action to remove these posts is necessary to minimize damage.
Consulting with a lawyer allows you to request removal through the courts, ensuring a reliable solution. Additionally, you can discuss whether criminal penalties can be applied to the poster or whether you can claim damages. Ignoring defamatory posts on bulletin board sites poses a significant risk, so it is crucial to consult with a lawyer early and take swift action towards removal.
Guidance on Measures by Our Firm
Monolith Law Office is a law firm with extensive experience in IT, particularly in both the internet and legal fields. In recent years, the spread of reputational damage and defamation online has caused serious harm, akin to a ‘digital tattoo’. Our firm provides solutions to combat these ‘digital tattoos’. Please refer to the article below for more details.
Areas of practice at Monolith Law Office: Digital Tattoo[ja]
Category: Internet