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Tag: IT

What are the Legal Issues in Blockchain Games and NFT Games? Explaining the Relationship with the Japanese 'Prize Indication Law' and 'Gambling Crimes

What are the Legal Issues in Blockchain Games and NFT Games? Explaining the Relationship with th.

In recent years, blockchain games (NFT games) have emerged, which allow the buying, selling, and managing of in-game items using blockchain technol...


Explaining the Legal Regulations on Hardware and Software Aspects to be Aware of in IoT Business

Explaining the Legal Regulations on Hardware and Software Aspects to be Aware of in IoT Business

In recent years, the rapid advancement of IoT (Internet of Things) technology has enabled devices to collaborate in various industrial fields, maki...


What are the Situations for Applying the 'Deemed Acceptance Inspection Clause' in System Development?

What are the Situations for Applying the 'Deemed Acceptance Inspection Clause' in System Develop.

One stage in system development where legal issues often arise is the "acceptance inspection" phase."Acceptance inspection" refers to the obligatio...


Is it Possible to Increase the Estimated Amount for System Development Afterwards?

Is it Possible to Increase the Estimated Amount for System Development Afterwards?

The task of system development involves a large number of people from both the ordering user side and the receiving vendor side. Therefore, it is n...


The Relationship Between Delays in System Development Delivery and Legal Breach of Contract

The Relationship Between Delays in System Development Delivery and Legal Breach of Contract

In a sense, system development projects are always a battle against deadlines. From a legal perspective, we can consider the risks that become appa...


What is Copyright Infringement Related to Programs?

What is Copyright Infringement Related to Programs?

When we hear the term "copyright issues", many of us might immediately think of instances such as plagiarism of logo designs or character designs c...


Is DoS a Crime? A Lawyer Explains the 'Japanese Computer Damage and Business Interference Crime'

Is DoS a Crime? A Lawyer Explains the 'Japanese Computer Damage and Business Interference Crime'

The crime of Obstruction of Business by Damaging a Computer (Japanese: 電子計算機損壊等業務妨害罪) was newly established in the Showa 62 year (1987). At that ti...


Definition of Open Source Software (OSS) and Points to Note Under Copyright Law?

Definition of Open Source Software (OSS) and Points to Note Under Copyright Law?

For IT engineers, designers, and various other creators, copyright issues are unavoidable. Disputes may arise over the works they have created, and...


What are the Countermeasures When System Defects are Discovered After Acceptance?

What are the Countermeasures When System Defects are Discovered After Acceptance?

In general terms, system development involves implementing a program in accordance with the requirements defined in the requirements definition pha...


What are the Copyright Law Issues Related to IT Systems (such as Software)?

What are the Copyright Law Issues Related to IT Systems (such as Software)?

Many of the legal issues that arise in the development of IT systems (including software) revolve around project 'flames'. In such cases, the main ...


'Cases of Software Copyright Infringement and Useful Legal Knowledge'

'Cases of Software Copyright Infringement and Useful Legal Knowledge'

What kind of cases can arise where copyright infringement is disputed in software development? In this article, we will explain the relevant laws a...


How are Intellectual Property Rights Protected in AI Development? Organizing the Points at Issue Copyright and Patent Rights

How are Intellectual Property Rights Protected in AI Development? Organizing the Points at Issue.

The evolution of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in recent years has been remarkable, particularly the technological innovations brought about by deep...


Is it Possible to Use ChatGPT for Business? Explaining the Advantages and Considerations

Is it Possible to Use ChatGPT for Business? Explaining the Advantages and Considerations

In recent years, the evolution of AI technology has been remarkable, especially in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) developing rapidl...


Damaged by Cyber Attacks. What is the Liability for Damages of System Vendors? Explanation of Contract Document Examples

Damaged by Cyber Attacks. What is the Liability for Damages of System Vendors? Explanation of Co.

In recent years, cyber attacks against corporations have been on the rise.According to a survey by the Japanese Network Security Association (JNSA)...


Requirement of License Display when Using AGPL's Open Source Only on the Server Side

Requirement of License Display when Using AGPL's Open Source Only on the Server Side

The internet has become an indispensable part of our lives, with software being utilized in various aspects.When using software, it is necessary to...


Is Crawling Images on the Internet a Violation of Copyright Law? Explaining the Legal Issues of Machine Learning

Is Crawling Images on the Internet a Violation of Copyright Law? Explaining the Legal Issues of .

In recent years, the advancement of AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology has been remarkable, and various AIs such as image generation AIs like ...


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