MONOLITH LAW OFFICE+81-3-6262-3248Weekdays 10:00-18:00 JST


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What are the Legal Issues to be Aware of When Creating an ICO White Paper?

What are the Legal Issues to be Aware of When Creating an ICO White Paper?

An Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is a fundraising method where funds are solicited in exchange for issuing virtual assets (tokens). This fundraising ...

General Corporate

What are the Reputational Damage Control Measures for Defamation on FC2 Blogs?

What are the Reputational Damage Control Measures for Defamation on FC2 Blogs?

Many people use FC2 as a platform for creating blogs. FC2 is a long-established platform that is known for its reliability and comprehensive featur...


What Should a Company Do When Defamed Online? What is the Japanese 'Crime of Defamation'?

What Should a Company Do When Defamed Online? What is the Japanese 'Crime of Defamation'?

When a company suffers from defamation on the internet, the crimes that could potentially be committed are primarily the following four:Japanese Cr...


What are the Cases Where Tort Liability Became an Issue in System Development?

What are the Cases Where Tort Liability Became an Issue in System Development?

In the realm of system development, disputes over the location of various rights and obligations are mostly predicated on the existence of a 'contr...


Requesting the Removal of Reviews Violating the Guidelines on Tabelog

Requesting the Removal of Reviews Violating the Guidelines on Tabelog

If you're unsure about purchasing a book or magazine, you can go to a bookstore and browse through it. If it's clothing or shoes, you can try them ...


What is the Legal Significance of Management Objectives and Numerical Targets in System Development Projects?

What is the Legal Significance of Management Objectives and Numerical Targets in System Developm.

System development projects often tie closely with significant business improvements within companies and workplaces. In such cases, there may be a...


Contracts Individual Engineers Should Prepare in Advance for Joint Ventures with Companies

Contracts Individual Engineers Should Prepare in Advance for Joint Ventures with Companies

Our firm, led by a former IT engineer turned attorney, provides legal consultation not only to corporations but also to engineers. One common scena...


NHK 'Digital Tattoo' Episode 5: IT Technology and Law

NHK 'Digital Tattoo' Episode 5: IT Technology and Law

The NHK Saturday drama "Digital Tattoo," which aired its final episode on June 15th, is a drama featuring a lawyer as the protagonist, dealing with...


Is it Possible to Erase Arrest Records Related to Wrongful Arrests?

Is it Possible to Erase Arrest Records Related to Wrongful Arrests?

Many news sites, including newspapers, frequently report on the arrest of individuals. However, follow-up news about whether the person was subsequ...


What are the Lawyer Fees and Compensation Process for Reputational Damage Measures?

What are the Lawyer Fees and Compensation Process for Reputational Damage Measures?

If you have suffered reputational damage on the Internet, you can consult with a lawyer to remove the damage through measures such as page deletion...


Removal of Other Companies' Stealth Marketing (Stema) Articles

Removal of Other Companies' Stealth Marketing (Stema) Articles

Stealth marketing is the act of advertising in a way that consumers do not realize they are being advertised to. It derives from the English word "...


When Will the Perpetrator Be Notified of the Removal of Defamatory Content and IP Disclosure Requests?

When Will the Perpetrator Be Notified of the Removal of Defamatory Content and IP Disclosure Req.

Many people may be concerned about whether the perpetrator who posted damaging rumors on platforms such as 2channel, 5channel, and blogs on Ameba, ...


What are the Laws Related to the Departure of Members from a System Development Project?

What are the Laws Related to the Departure of Members from a System Development Project?

In system development projects, it is typically emphasized to break down each process and task and proceed with as much planning as possible. Howev...


Court Case Regarding the Removal of Reputational Damage on 'Japanese Tabelog' Reviews

Court Case Regarding the Removal of Reputational Damage on 'Japanese Tabelog' Reviews

Tabelog is a gourmet website operated by the Group. It is designed with the concept of being a "gourmet site for those who do not want t...


NHK 'Digital Tattoo' Episode 4: IT Technology and Law

NHK 'Digital Tattoo' Episode 4: IT Technology and Law

The NHK Saturday drama "Digital Tattoo" is a drama featuring a lawyer as the protagonist, dealing with the theme of defamation and rumor damage on ...


What Actions Should Be Taken When Accused of Defamation Online

What Actions Should Be Taken When Accused of Defamation Online

We have written several explanatory articles on how to respond when you are defamed online or become a victim of reputational damage. In this artic...


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