MONOLITH LAW OFFICE+81-3-6262-3248Weekdays 10:00-18:00 JST


Warning: Undefined variable $category in /home/xb675064/ on line 30

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/xb675064/ on line 30

Warning: Attempt to read property "category_nicename" on null in /home/xb675064/ on line 30

Warning: Undefined variable $category in /home/xb675064/ on line 30

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/xb675064/ on line 30

Warning: Attempt to read property "category_nicename" on null in /home/xb675064/ on line 30

Warning: Undefined variable $category in /home/xb675064/ on line 30

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/xb675064/ on line 30

Warning: Attempt to read property "category_nicename" on null in /home/xb675064/ on line 30
Guidelines for NFT Random Sales: Types that do not fall under gambling crimes

Guidelines for NFT Random Sales: Types that do not fall under gambling crimes

The NFT business has experienced significant growth in recent years, primarily in Europe and the United States. In 2021, the transaction volume of ...


Can Crypto Assets (Virtual Currencies) Be Seized?

Can Crypto Assets (Virtual Currencies) Be Seized?

With the spread of crypto currency (virtual currency) such as Bitcoin, more and more people are holding part of their assets as crypto currencies. ...


Commentary on Japanese Supreme Court Case Regarding Removal of Twitter Posts on Arrest Records

Commentary on Japanese Supreme Court Case Regarding Removal of Twitter Posts on Arrest Records

In Japan, negative information such as arrest records and criminal records remaining on social networking sites like Twitter can have significant a...


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