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Does a Minor Perpetrator of Defamation Still Bear Liability for Damages?

Does a Minor Perpetrator of Defamation Still Bear Liability for Damages?

There is an increasing number of issues involving defamation on the internet, particularly caused by or affecting younger individuals. The majority...


What is the Relationship Between Character Publicity Rights and Various Intellectual Property Rights?

What is the Relationship Between Character Publicity Rights and Various Intellectual Property Ri.

Many of you may have seen people selling their own trading cards on online auctions or flea markets. On these platforms, homemade trading cards are...


What are the Points to Note When Filming Videos at Theme Parks (Amusement Parks)?

What are the Points to Note When Filming Videos at Theme Parks (Amusement Parks)?

With the proliferation of social media, more and more people are filming videos at theme parks and amusement parks to post on their social media ac...


Is Taking a Screenshot of Someone Else's Tweet on Twitter a Copyright Infringement?

Is Taking a Screenshot of Someone Else's Tweet on Twitter a Copyright Infringement?

In recent years, Twitter has seen an increase in the presence of not only ordinary individuals, but also public figures, institutions, celebrities,...


Can Extreme Online Posts Be Considered Threats? Are 'I'll Kill You' and 'Die' Considered Threats?

Can Extreme Online Posts Be Considered Threats? Are 'I'll Kill You' and 'Die' Considered Threats.

Posting content that defames or slanders others on social media, blogs, or bulletin boards can lead to criminal charges. If the content of the post...


Does Defamation After Non-Prosecution Following Arrest Constitute Libel in Japanese Law?

Does Defamation After Non-Prosecution Following Arrest Constitute Libel in Japanese Law?

"Defamation" refers to the act of spreading baseless rumors about others, damaging their reputation. If certain conditions are met, you may be subj...


Legal Issues with YouTuber Giveaway Videos: An Explanation

Legal Issues with YouTuber Giveaway Videos: An Explanation

YouTubers often conduct giveaway campaigns in their videos with the aim of increasing their channel subscribers and video views.These giveaway camp...


What is the Method of Writing a Request for Transmission Prevention Measures under the Japanese Provider Liability Limitation Act?

What is the Method of Writing a Request for Transmission Prevention Measures under the Japanese .

One of the methods to remove posted articles is a procedure called a transmission prevention measure request based on the Japanese Provider Liabili...


How to Identify the Creator and Remove the Video if You Become a Victim of Deepfake

How to Identify the Creator and Remove the Video if You Become a Victim of Deepfake

In 2020, there was news of an individual being arrested for defamation and violation of the Japanese Copyright Law, after they published videos on ...


Legal Measures for 'Fast Movies' Posted on YouTube in Case of Copyright Infringement?

Legal Measures for 'Fast Movies' Posted on YouTube in Case of Copyright Infringement?

There are instances where videos known as "Fast Movies", which are shortened to about 10 minutes without the permission of the copyright holder, ar...


An Attorney Explains How to Identify the Name and Address of a YouTuber Who Has Defamed You in a YouTube Video

An Attorney Explains How to Identify the Name and Address of a YouTuber Who Has Defamed You in a.

On YouTube, there are videos where YouTubers discuss social issues or troubles among other YouTubers, so-called "speaking out" videos. Depending on...


What is the Line of Defamation Judgement by Reviews for Cosmetic Surgery Clinics?

What is the Line of Defamation Judgement by Reviews for Cosmetic Surgery Clinics?

One of the major sources of information when searching for a beauty clinic is customer reviews. In fact, beauty clinics are one of the industries t...


How to Search and Handle Personal Information Posted on 2channel and 5channel

How to Search and Handle Personal Information Posted on 2channel and 5channel

In this era, anyone can easily share information through social media and participate in various communities. However, while this has made communic...


What are the Key Points of YouTube's Terms of Service? A Lawyer Explains the Precautions for Product Introduction and Review Posting Videos

What are the Key Points of YouTube's Terms of Service? A Lawyer Explains the Precautions for Pro.

On YouTube, videos that introduce products or review the user experience of products are among the most popular content. People seek to learn about...


What are the Risks Lurking in TikTok? Introducing How to Respond When Defamed

What are the Risks Lurking in TikTok? Introducing How to Respond When Defamed

TikTok, a social networking service (SNS) specializing in video content, is a huge hit, particularly among the younger generation.Its unique featur...


Can Hashtags Lead to Defamation? An Explanation Based on Precedents

Can Hashtags Lead to Defamation? An Explanation Based on Precedents

"Hashtags" are commonly used on social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. They are used as "tags" for posts that include common phrases...


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