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Tag: General Corporate

Can an Employment Contract's Non-Competition Obligation Prohibit a Job Change to a Competitor?

Can an Employment Contract's Non-Competition Obligation Prohibit a Job Change to a Competitor?

When an employee decides to change jobs, there is a risk for the company that its information and know-how could be taken out and used externally. ...

General Corporate

Key Points to Check When Signing a Consultation Contract Regarding Management and Other Matters

Key Points to Check When Signing a Consultation Contract Regarding Management and Other Matters

In recent years, due to the rapid changes in the business environment, there has been an increasing need for companies to seek advice from external...

General Corporate

Legal Regulations on Advertising and Promotional Activities for Stem Cells in the Medical Field

Legal Regulations on Advertising and Promotional Activities for Stem Cells in the Medical Field

In recent years, with the development of the internet, social networking services (SNS) such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LINE have rapidly...

General Corporate

Six Points to Keep in Mind to Avoid Losses When Forming a 'Business Alliance' Correctly

Six Points to Keep in Mind to Avoid Losses When Forming a 'Business Alliance' Correctly

In recent years, we have seen numerous cases of venture companies with limited resources such as capital and personnel achieving rapid growth withi...

General Corporate

What Exactly was the Issue in the Lawsuit Between Nintendo and Colopl?

What Exactly was the Issue in the Lawsuit Between Nintendo and Colopl?

In recent years, the popularity of gaming has surged due to the advancement of the internet and the improvement in game quality.Furthermore, the ri...

General Corporate

Can You Claim Compensation for Property Damage Due to Suspension of Transactions or Decrease in Sales Caused by Defamation?

Can You Claim Compensation for Property Damage Due to Suspension of Transactions or Decrease in .

If your rights have been violated due to an illegal act, you can claim damages from the offender once the illegality of the act is recognized in co...

General Corporate

Games and Law (Part 2): Japanese Consumer Contract Law, Japanese Specified Commercial Transactions Law, and Japanese Telecommunications Business Law

Games and Law (Part 2): Japanese Consumer Contract Law, Japanese Specified Commercial Transactio.

Particularly in recent times, with online games and in-game purchase models becoming commonplace, it is necessary to verify the legality of game op...

General Corporate

An Attorney Explains the Correct Way to Write and Types of Japanese Agency Contract Documents

An Attorney Explains the Correct Way to Write and Types of Japanese Agency Contract Documents

In business, it is relatively common to have your company's products or services sold through agents. Utilizing agents not only allows you to reduc...

General Corporate

What Does 'Infringement of Patent Rights' Refer to?

What Does 'Infringement of Patent Rights' Refer to?

The patent system is a scheme in which the government grants a right, known as a patent right, to those who have made inventions that contribute to...

General Corporate

What are the Risks of Intellectual Property Rights Infringement such as Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, and their Countermeasures?

What are the Risks of Intellectual Property Rights Infringement such as Patents, Trademarks, Cop.

The risk of intellectual property rights infringement is a significant issue for all business owners. To avoid or mitigate these risks, it is essen...

General Corporate

What is a Deemed Liquidation Clause in an Investment Agreement?

What is a Deemed Liquidation Clause in an Investment Agreement?

In investment contracts, there may be a provision called a deemed liquidation clause. There are many factors to consider regarding the deemed liqui...

General Corporate

What is a 'Japanese Work-Made-for-Hire'? Explaining Disputed Court Cases and Precedents

What is a 'Japanese Work-Made-for-Hire'? Explaining Disputed Court Cases and Precedents

As explained in another article on our site, under the Japanese Copyright Law, when certain requirements are met, the copyright is attributed to th...

General Corporate

Explaining Legal Regulations on Advertising Pet Products

Explaining Legal Regulations on Advertising Pet Products

The pet product market has been expanding year by year, and in 2018, the annual shipment value exceeded 1.5 trillion yen. In particular, pet food a...

General Corporate

How Legal is Recruiting Monitors at Beauty Clinics? Explaining the Japanese Medical Practitioners Act

How Legal is Recruiting Monitors at Beauty Clinics? Explaining the Japanese Medical Practitioner.

Various regulations have been established for "advertisements" related to medical care. If false advertising or misunderstandings among patients ar...

General Corporate

Is Reselling More Than Just Tickets Illegal? What are the Specific Measures Companies Can Take to Prevent Damage?

Is Reselling More Than Just Tickets Illegal? What are the Specific Measures Companies Can Take t.

In the fall of 2020, Uniqlo launched a collection in collaboration with Jil Sander (+J), which was purchased in large quantities for the purpose of...

General Corporate

Key Points to Note About the 'Duties of Business Operators' Under the Revised Japanese Personal Information Protection Law in Reiwa 4 (2022)

Key Points to Note About the 'Duties of Business Operators' Under the Revised Japanese Personal .

The revised Japanese Personal Information Protection Law came into effect in April 2022. The Personal Information Protection Law aims to ensure the...

General Corporate

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