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Tag: General Corporate

'What Happens When You Upload Videos Filmed in No-Filming Areas or Voyeur Videos to YouTube?'

'What Happens When You Upload Videos Filmed in No-Filming Areas or Voyeur Videos to YouTube?'

On YouTube, a variety of videos from different genres are uploaded daily. However, there are instances where videos filmed in prohibited areas or v...

General Corporate

An In-depth Explanation of Why 'Comp Gacha' is Illegal and its Relationship with the 'Japanese Prize Display Act'

An In-depth Explanation of Why 'Comp Gacha' is Illegal and its Relationship with the 'Japanese P.

In recent years, the number of people making in-app purchases in smartphone games (social games) has increased, and the market size has grown to ex...

General Corporate

What are the Differences and Distinctions between Dispatch, Secondment, Quasi-Delegation, Contracting, Disguised Contracting, and Worker Supply?

What are the Differences and Distinctions between Dispatch, Secondment, Quasi-Delegation, Contra.

Not only for IT companies and IT-related projects, but for all businesses, human resources and labor-related practices can often lead to complex le...

General Corporate

Understanding the Criteria and Penalties (Imprisonment & Fines) for 'Trademark Infringement' Through Case Studies

Understanding the Criteria and Penalties (Imprisonment & Fines) for 'Trademark Infringement'.

Once you have registered your company name, product name, etc. as a 'Japanese Trademark Right', if someone else is using that trademark without per...

General Corporate

'Points to Note When Using Free Materials with Limited Usage such as 'Personal Use OK''

'Points to Note When Using Free Materials with Limited Usage such as 'Personal Use OK''

When creating a website for your company, you might consider using free materials for buttons and icons.However, even though they are referred to a...

General Corporate

What is the Average Time Required for Time-Charged Legal Services such as Contract Document Creation?

What is the Average Time Required for Time-Charged Legal Services such as Contract Document Crea.

Many law firms, including ours, often handle tasks such as contract drafting, review, and revision on a "time-charge" basis, meaning that the attor...

General Corporate

What is Double Pricing? Explaining Points to Avoid Violating the 'Japanese Premiums and Representations Act' and Penalties

What is Double Pricing? Explaining Points to Avoid Violating the 'Japanese Premiums and Represen.

"Half off the regular price!" Such price displays, which emphasize the low selling price to consumers by comparing it with other prices, are common...

General Corporate

'What is 'Japanese Job-Related Works'? Explaining the 4 Requirements and How Corporations Can Obtain Copyrights'

'What is 'Japanese Job-Related Works'? Explaining the 4 Requirements and How Corporations Can Ob.

Under the Japanese Copyright Law, the principle is that the person who actually created the work is the author. And this author holds the copyright...

General Corporate

What is a Lawyer's Duty of Confidentiality? Explaining the Scope of Exceptions and Penalties

What is a Lawyer's Duty of Confidentiality? Explaining the Scope of Exceptions and Penalties

Lawyers are bound by a duty of "confidentiality". There may be times when clients need to disclose their secrets or private information to their la...

General Corporate

Is Subcontract Allowed under Contract of Quasi-Mandate or Contract for Work? An Explanation Taking System Development as an Example

Is Subcontract Allowed under Contract of Quasi-Mandate or Contract for Work? An Explanation Taki.

In the field of system development, it is common to see operations where a vendor who has been entrusted with development further subcontract anoth...

General Corporate

Does Security Cameras Infringe on Privacy? Explaining Guidelines and Precedents

Does Security Cameras Infringe on Privacy? Explaining Guidelines and Precedents

Security cameras are not only installed and used in public places such as train stations and city streets, but also in various locations such as in...

General Corporate

Is There a Legal Obligation to Display the Expiry Date on Quasi-Drugs? A Lawyer Explains

Is There a Legal Obligation to Display the Expiry Date on Quasi-Drugs? A Lawyer Explains

Some of the nutritional drinks, vitamin tablets, and insecticides sold at drugstores and convenience stores fall under the category of "Japanese Qu...

General Corporate

Is the 'No-Dating Clause' for Idols Legally Valid? Introducing Two Court Cases

Is the 'No-Dating Clause' for Idols Legally Valid? Introducing Two Court Cases

In the relationships between YouTuber agencies and YouTubers, or VTuber employers and voice actors, there are cases where contracts are concluded t...

General Corporate

Disclosing Addresses and Real Names? When Does Reporting Crime Cross the Line into Privacy Infringement?

Disclosing Addresses and Real Names? When Does Reporting Crime Cross the Line into Privacy Infri.

Facts such as "being convicted of a crime" or "being arrested" are generally things that people do not wish to be made public. Reporting these fact...

General Corporate

Is Wage Disparity Between In-Office and Remote Work Justifiable?

Is Wage Disparity Between In-Office and Remote Work Justifiable?

In March 2021, Tokyo, a city with a high number of remote workers, released a "Survey on Diverse Work Styles". According to the survey, the percent...

General Corporate

Understanding the Advantages and Disadvantages of 'Business Transfer' and 'Company Split'

Understanding the Advantages and Disadvantages of 'Business Transfer' and 'Company Split'

In the context of M&A between companies and business succession, it is necessary to consider the structure of how to carry out the succession. ...

General Corporate

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