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Can We Identify the Person Who Has Been Defaming Us Using Marshmallow?

Can We Identify the Person Who Has Been Defaming Us Using Marshmallow?

With the advancement of the internet, online defamation has become a societal issue. In recent years, there have been tragic incidents of celebriti...


When Does Your Channel or Account Get Suspended on YouTube? Explaining the Guidelines

When Does Your Channel or Account Get Suspended on YouTube? Explaining the Guidelines

For YouTubers and VTubers who earn revenue on YouTube, having their channel or account suspended on YouTube can result in significant damage, and t...


Is Posting Cosplay Photos on Social Media a Violation of the Japanese Copyright Law? Explaining Cases That Could Lead to Legal Issues

Is Posting Cosplay Photos on Social Media a Violation of the Japanese Copyright Law? Explaining .

Japan's content industry is recognized as a major business boasting high popularity even overseas. Along with this, cosplay, where people dress up ...


Is Unauthorized Filming at Disneyland and Universal Studio Japan Prohibited? Explaining the Legal Issues

Is Unauthorized Filming at Disneyland and Universal Studio Japan Prohibited? Explaining the Lega.

In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of people filming videos in theme parks and posting them on platforms such as Y...


Does Defamation on a Private Twitter Account Constitute Libel? Explaining Two Case Examples

Does Defamation on a Private Twitter Account Constitute Libel? Explaining Two Case Examples

By default, when you register on Twitter, your tweets are set to be public. However, for users who do not want their tweets to be seen by strangers...


Two Approaches to Copyright Infringement on YouTube: What are Takedown Notices and Content ID Claims?

Two Approaches to Copyright Infringement on YouTube: What are Takedown Notices and Content ID Cl.

Copyright holders who discover their protected content has been posted on YouTube without permission can file a copyright infringement claim with Y...


How to Avoid Legal Issues and Key Points in Determining Copyright Infringement in Parody Videos

How to Avoid Legal Issues and Key Points in Determining Copyright Infringement in Parody Videos

Many of you may have come across videos on YouTube or TikTok that mimic anime, dramas, and the like.These so-called parody videos are more enjoyabl...


What YouTubers Should Be Aware of Regarding TikTok's Terms of Use

What YouTubers Should Be Aware of Regarding TikTok's Terms of Use

Among YouTubers, there are those who utilize video sharing sites other than YouTube. In particular, there has been an increase in YouTubers posting...


When Does a SLAPP Lawsuit Become Illegal? An Explanation Based on Actual Case Studies

When Does a SLAPP Lawsuit Become Illegal? An Explanation Based on Actual Case Studies

There are cases where lawsuits are used with the intention of silencing the speech of those who criticize oneself. Such lawsuits are referred to as...


Where is the Line for 'Plagiarism' of Music Melodies? Explaining the Case Law of Reproduction and Derivative Works: 'Dokomademoikou Vs. Kinenju Case'

Where is the Line for 'Plagiarism' of Music Melodies? Explaining the Case Law of Reproduction an.

The issue of "plagiarism" of musical melodies is a complex area that stands at the intersection of creativity and copyright. In particular, the not...


Music Schools vs. JASRAC: A Comprehensive Guide to the Copyright Fee Case from Trial Court to Supreme Court Ruling

Music Schools vs. JASRAC: A Comprehensive Guide to the Copyright Fee Case from Trial Court to Su.

The plaintiffs, who are music school operators (249 member organizations of the "Association to Protect Music Education"), have filed a lawsuit aga...


How Much is the Going Rate for Damages in Cases of Portrait Rights Infringement? An Explanation Based on Two Precedents

How Much is the Going Rate for Damages in Cases of Portrait Rights Infringement? An Explanation .

If your personal appearance or posture is photographed and published without your consent, there may be cases where you can claim damages for infri...


Is Choreography for Dance Considered a 'Work of Authorship'? ~Explaining the Precedents~

Is Choreography for Dance Considered a 'Work of Authorship'? ~Explaining the Precedents~

With the revision of the Course of Study in 2008 (Heisei 20), dance became a compulsory subject for the first and second years of junior high schoo...


Explanation of the 'Sender Information Disclosure Order Case' Started on October 1, 2022: Accelerated Poster Identification

Explanation of the 'Sender Information Disclosure Order Case' Started on October 1, 2022: Accele.

On October 1, 2022, a new system called the "Sender Information Disclosure Order Case" was initiated as a procedure to identify the poster of defam...


What are the Risks Parents Should Know When Minors Monetize on YouTube?

What are the Risks Parents Should Know When Minors Monetize on YouTube?

Nowadays, it's easy for anyone to become a YouTuber, and there are increasing cases of minors making their mark in this field.However, when minors ...


Does Copyright Exist in Documents Published by Government Agencies? Explaining Points to Note When Using Them

Does Copyright Exist in Documents Published by Government Agencies? Explaining Points to Note Wh.

Government agencies refer to the offices of the national and local public bodies, including central ministries, courts, and the Diet. A vast amount...


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