Tag: Contract Drafting and Review
Does Utilizing the Sharing Economy for Side Jobs or Multiple Jobs Conflict with the Employment R.
In Japan, the proliferation of platforms such as "Airbnb" and "Uber" has made it possible to earn additional income through the use of personal ass...
What Measures Can Be Taken If You Experience 'Baito-Tero' on SNS? Is Dismissal or Claiming Damag.
With the proliferation of social media, there has been a surge in incidents where part-time employees at restaurants and other establishments post ...
What are the Key Points to Check when Drafting Contracts for DX Support Businesses?
One of the buzzwords attracting attention recently is "DX". DX stands for Digital Transformation. In simpler terms, it means "transforming people's...
Key Points to Check in a Business Outsourcing Contract for MEO Measures
Recently, more and more people are turning to Google search first when looking for new stores or services. In particular, when searching for restau...
What Does the 'Japanese Business Outsourcing Contract' Determine?
I believe that a business consignment contract, or in Japanese, a '業務委託契約書', is one of the contracts you often come across in conducting business. ...
What are the Key Points to Check When Given an Employment Contract?
If you've ever worked before, chances are you've signed an employment contract. However, surprisingly many people sign and seal their employment co...
What is the Relationship Between Taking Out Trade Secrets and the Japanese Unfair Competition Pr.
Companies possess a vast amount of information, among which are trade secrets generated in the process of research, development, and business activ...
Key Points to Check When Signing a Consultation Contract Regarding Management and Other Matters
In recent years, due to the rapid changes in the business environment, there has been an increasing need for companies to seek advice from external...
Explaining How to Write a Resignation Agreement That Won't Be Rejected and Key Points to Conclud.
When an employee resigns, various risks can arise. These can include unjust monetary claims, leakage or misuse of company information and know-how,...
What is Force Majeure and Default due to the Novel Coronavirus?
Since the start of 2020, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been wreaking havoc worldwide.With the spread of the novel coronavirus, situations ma...
What are the Key Points to Check in a Contract with an Internet Advertising Agency?
According to a survey published by Dentsu in February 2019, internet advertising expenses accounted for 26.9% of Japan's total advertising expenses...
What is the Share Purchase Clause in Investment Contracts?
In investment contracts, there may be a provision called a share buyback clause. There are many factors to consider regarding the share buyback cla...
Can an Employment Contract's Non-Competition Obligation Prohibit a Job Change to a Competitor?
When an employee decides to change jobs, there is a risk for the company that its information and know-how could be taken out and used externally. ...
Six Points to Keep in Mind to Avoid Losses When Forming a 'Business Alliance' Correctly
In recent years, we have seen numerous cases of venture companies with limited resources such as capital and personnel achieving rapid growth withi...
What Exactly was the Issue in the Lawsuit Between Nintendo and Colopl?
In recent years, the popularity of gaming has surged due to the advancement of the internet and the improvement in game quality.Furthermore, the ri...
Can You Claim Compensation for Property Damage Due to Suspension of Transactions or Decrease in .
If your rights have been violated due to an illegal act, you can claim damages from the offender once the illegality of the act is recognized in co...